Khu đô thị VCN Phước Long 1
Diện tích Đơn vị: m2 Mức giá Đơn vị: triệu

Khu đô thị VCN Phước Long 1

Bình Phước

Giá bán: 30 - 35 triệu/ Diện tích: m2

Thông tin mô tả:

Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.Metropolitan Museum. Elegant lobby and 24 hours doorman. This is a pet-friendly building.

Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.Metropolitan Museum. Elegant lobby and 24 hours doorman. This is a pet-friendly building.

Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.Metropolitan Museum. Elegant lobby and 24 hours doorman. This is a pet-friendly building.

Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.Metropolitan Museum. Elegant lobby and 24 hours doorman. This is a pet-friendly building.

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Mua theme

Mua theme